A new concept

The NFTs arrived to revolutionize the world of artists, allowing their works to reach all horizons.
The adoption of this technology led us to rethink ourselves. Thus was born the Metamorphosis Project, a fusion between Digital Art and that of our artist.

Blanca's art

Blanca builds her work with mixed techniques.

She uses inks, acrylics, watercolors, colored pencils, handmade paper with direct superposition of pulps, achieving tones of very subtle variation.

Fibers dyed with natural dyes, textiles that structure planes and lines, seams, wrapped cloths, threads, reliefs and shapes glued, sewn, embroidered, loom, satin, canvases of diverse textures, vegetable fibers.

Photography and digital tools complete the journey of a sensory experience where fantasy, art and discourse intertwine.

Metamorphosis NFTs

Textiles, acrylics, watercolors, graphites, collage; specific analog resources where photography acts as a bridge towards digital intervention. When merged, elements create a unique, authentic, intangible artistic expression represented in digital support.

Starting points (Puntos de partida)

The first series of Metamorphosis NFTs will be "Starting Points". It consists of nine works that will be published during 2021 and 2022.

40 x 50 cm.
Mixed technique
Date: 2021

Available on OpenSea

39 x 51 cm.
Mixed technique
Date: 2021

Available on OpenSea

41,5 x 34,5 cm.
Mixed technique
Date: 2021

Available on OpenSea

49 x 36 cm.
Mixed technique
Date: 2021

Available on OpenSea

44 x 37 cm.
Técnica mixta
Fecha: 2021

Available on DoinGud

46 x 36,5 cm.
Técnica mixta
Fecha: 2021

Available on DoinGud

About the artist

A journey through the life and experience of our artist.

About Blanca

Blanca Frías was born in the province of Salta, in the northwestern region of Argentina.

Her childhood takes place in a geographical context where she lives in a close relationship with nature. At the same time, her home is a world of fabrics, sewing, looms and saddlery that lead her to develop her fascination for exploring and experimenting with different materials. Playing, she creates, draws and builds her imaginary world.

In adolescence, she entered the Quinquela Martín School Museum, where she receives classical drawing and painting training. Talks about art with the school's founder, Professor Amelio Ronco Ceruti (a personal friend of Quinquela Martín), help her confirm that Plastic Arts are her path.

In 1983 she moved to Mar del Plata, an urban center on the southern coast, a space of enormous horizontality, geographically very different from her origin. She also finds significant cultural differences there as it is a more cosmopolitan environment. She studies Visual Arts at the Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales "Martín A. Malharro".

The use of different techniques marks her artistic work. In the search for it, she finds a cultural and plural openness, selecting from family memory, Nature and Art as traits that feed her creative process; she also incorporates photography and digital tools to redefine traditional textiles from a contemporary perspective.

The artist has made individual and collective exhibitions, participates in different provincial and national salons, and her works are in private collections.

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us through any of the following means.